Dreamer On Posted on February 21, 2013July 23, 2022 by Dreamer to PAX Nation, Thoughtful WordsHave a PEACE!42.083433-71.018378Like this:Like Loading...TagsActivism and Peace WorkB4PeacechangechoiceFuturehopehttp://cherispeak.wordpress.com/peacesocietyThoughttogetherunity PreviousPrevious post:Nobody can do it alone NextNext post:Failed strategy?
Thank you for sharing this 🙂
Thank you for writing it! 🙂
But of course, it’s a special day 😉
That it is! 😀
lol hit refresh and go back to my peace post, I added some pics I have been taking of my flyering all over
I’ll take a wander over now 🙂