A bit of mushy stuff to get me started

Second day of a new blog and I think it has more readers than my other four combined. There are advantageous of being a friend of The Idiot (mere coincidence that I am one too)! Or maybe we have triggered a few folk’s sense of the ridiculous. Either way, the response we have already received is quite heartening.

I am a very now oriented person. Planning is NOT my forte. I am more of a MacGyver then a John “Hannibal” Smith. If you recognize those references you might realize that my now orientation mactends to peek into the past a bit. My life is one spontaneous decision after another, with the occasional periods of no decisions at all. If you don’t quite get what I am saying, I kind of live by the seat of my pants. This is just me. Usually when someone asks me what I am will be doing on such and such a date, my answer will be a don’t even know what I am doing tomorrow. The whole concept of having my life scheduled months, let alone years in advance is totally foreign to me. It is simply not the way I think. So this whole adventure I am now embarking on will be a challenge for me in some unexpected way.

And I am already loving it!

a teamSpontaneity has its strengths and uses, but it also can tend to leave one adrift if opportunities do not present, or worse yet motivation is lacking. The last few years of my life I have been adrift in molasses which might sound sweet but is rather sticky and non-productive. This is the result of both choices I have made and circumstances outside my control. I have manage to sap my own love of life and the spark that keeps my fire alive has become mighty dim.

Damn I am using a lot of mixed images! Anyway what I am trying to say is this goal of ours has filled me with a thrill that has been lacking in my life for a long time. The thrill of challenge; the thrill of something new; the thrill of having a direction again. Three years may be a long path as I see the passage of time, but I see it as well worth the journey. I need to light my spark again, and fan it back into flames that will not only light my own path, but maybe brighten the path of others around me. That is who I once was, and now maybe someone I will be again.

Now all I (we) need to do is make it happen!