I now have three blogs (one started as a direct result of last year’s challenge). Granted my readership for all three totalled still does not add up to an actual Blogger, but it’s a start. When I post in all three in a day, I often share a theme. But I don’t always post on all three. So what I will do is post at least one post a day on one of the blogs (if not more), said post being driven by the appropriate letter. Since I officially signed up with this blog, I will at the very least put a pointer post here.
To make it even more challenging for myself, I participate in other challenges (100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups and The Weekly Photo Challenge), so I will try to incorporate them into the April Challenge as well.
This is a boring start I know, but the Adventure now truly beings.
It so happens that this weeks Photo Challenge is Arranged, so I was given an A. seems I will have a few posts to start with.
P.S I got ambitious and posted an A post on the third blog as well.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]