I have done a few more modifications to the site, and hopefully made a few more improvements. I have opted for a different method to add social networking features. They are prettier than the last attempt, and seemingly more functional. User profiles are a little more elaborate, and one can actually view their own profile now (something I did not realize we could not do before … part of the reason for the new method). Take a peek at My profile and Meet our citizens!. There is also a new page for general activity updates.
Also, I have added in the ability for registered members to write their own blog posts. I am using that feature right now to test it out. Members have a fair amount of flexibility as far as the posts appearance, including the ability to add media. All posts will be vetted before final publication, just to make sure they are not spam or somehow not suitable to the aims of the community, but it will take some serious effort to be denied. Their might be some minor editing to correct for typos and such, but for the most part the posts will be as written. If the list of categories does not apply to the needs of the post, contact us and we will make sure the desired category is added in.
The network is still pretty simple, but I have plans of adding in many more features, such as the ability to have friends and interact with them in several different ways. There will be chat and messaging and groups. There also will be the ability to add media to he profiles, as well as more customization features for them. Unfortunately the more advanced features require resources I don’t have yet, but since our user base is still small (and basically inactive), they are not needed yet.
I encourage members to become more active and try out some of the new features. I have been trying to trim the user list to actual people, so if I inadvertently deleted a real account, I apologize. Please register again!
I hope all enjoy the changes. As always, feedback and suggestions are quite welcome![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/12″][/vc_column][/vc_row]