#atozchallenge: The art of Ernest Oops

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It is time for another combined post. Today is O day for the A to Z challenge, and I did not have anything specific in mind. But then I remembered that I have not yet done this week’s 100 Word Challenge for Grownups. Until moments ago, I had not even looked to see what the prompt was. I am not used to this whole being busy again thang  yet. I took one look at the prompt and an O idea just popped right into my head. Not that there was much to get in its way.  The prompt this time is the below photo … I hope you all enjoy the bit of nonsense it generated 🙂


The newest work by up and coming artist Ernest Oops has definitely caught the attention of many. He has true mastery of refined stone work. His portrayal of human flesh is unimaginably real looking. The new piece, titled “I just wanted a picture” has had many museum employees both irritated and humored by the general response of the public. “If someone else comes running to tell me of an accident, I am not sure I will cry or laugh!” said one notable employed of the Museum of Fine Arts who preferred to remain anonymous. Mr. Oops again manages to amaze!
