Category: Thinking “out loud”
Who knows what will emerge
Who knows what will emerge
a.k.a The Dystopic Revolution “Settle down people! I know this is exciting, but we need to get started. I am glad so many PEOPLE have joined us to hear the plan for our new great Godly nation. So let us begin! “ The tumultuous crowd settled a bit, consolidating there excited focus on The Speaker […]
What does your happiness look like? A wise woman The last couple weeks have been downright enlightening for me. Let me back up even more. I have been struggling (again?) for a while now. Nothing new to someone who has way to much time on their hands to simply think. My current (constant?) dilemma is finding […]
Whenever I see my reflection, I pause for a moment and think “Who am I?” The answer has always eluded me. Am I the me others perceive based on their own experiences and expectations? But I am also other. Step back; forget what was; let go of expectation. Be the observer. Ask again. Who am […]
The more experience I gather in this journey called life, the more I fully understand the concept that life is, and always will be, lived now … this very moment. When we begin our journey, everything is new to us, and we have no experience that we can call past. Thus now and yet to […]
Today is the January 1, 2023. Some think of it as the first day of a new year. That particular concept means nothing to me. I never thought of January 1st as being the beginning of anything other than an arbitrary month in a calendar made by man. To me the new year does not […]
Draw a rabbit hole. “Huh?” is not an unreasonable response. Just do it. Don’t worry about art. Get yourself a piece of paper (which itself might be a challenge for some in this digital age) and draw yourself a rabbit hole. Make it big enough to put some words in. Done? Great. Look at your […]
I often dream of other mes, mes that are not me.These dreams make me wonder if I’m the me I’m meant to be? Perhaps I have it backwards, I am living the life I should,to allow all these other mes to be the mes they would. Perhaps my dreams are alternate mes, the mes of […]
Our personal awareness of change varies. Some of us refuse to even acknowledge that things DO change. Others are terrified by anything changing, and fight it tooth and nail. Most of us lie somewhere between those extremes. But deny it or fear it all you want … change is inevitable. When I first took part […]
I started this year’s A to Z Challenge with the sentence: “Every ending is a new beginning.” In that post (Z end in Z beginning), I chose to make my version of the challenge Z to A. Today is the last day of this particular journey. In other words: I am ending at the beginning. […]
I often say that my life is governed by irony. I may not be unique in this, but it is definitely a defining characteristic of the choices I am faced with in my journey through life. It has become such a driving force for me that I would almost be at a loss if irony […]