As I mentioned in my last post, I have been trying to link my several blogs by posting with a related theme when I make several entries on one day. This is as much a bit of self promotion as simply my holistic view to life. The more I open myself to it, the more it seems that everything I interact with is truly linked in someway, with each other and with the world at large. And I seem to be encountering these connections more frequently.
This sense of connectedness always grows stronger in the spring. Today’s example: I first wrote a post about coping with my dad’s Alzheimer’s with humor. In that post, I had a picture from my nieces ninth birthday party. So on the photo blog, I posted another picture from the party. I was literally JUST sitting here, thinking “OK, what to post on Ramblings that will link to those two and will also be upbeat?” when my phone went “DING!!”. The “DING!!” was a message from Twitter, which message was posted by the world-renowned Julia Skinner, who is the driving source behind the awesome 100 World Challenge for Grown Ups, telling of us the newest prompt: …the flip side …
Connection … connection … connection … (You might notice a lot of hyperLINKS on this post. Seemed appropriate!)
How does this prompt link to the posts I mentioned? Well the first was dealing with the sorrow by using its flip side … humor. And the second was a picture of a reflection … the essence of a “flip side”. Heeding the universe’s message again here is this week’s entry:
I dive!
Time slows.
I feel the warm sun on my back. I smell the freshness of the air; feel it against my skin. My eyes take in the glimmer of the water below.
I tuck chin and arms to chest, knees to stomach.
The beautiful blue sky above. Bright sun! Not a cloud to be seen!
The water is closer! I extend my arms and legs, streamlining myself.
Time speeds up again! With the thrill of life blasting through my veins, the water rushes forward.
I slide into the cool water with hardly a splash.
Loving life!!