For the last week I have done a fairly successful job of completely ignoring the “real” world. Culminating in the last two days when I did it completely … I think I even managed to forget my name. As a result though, I did not actually make Thursday and Friday entries in the A Week of Words Blogger Challenge, despite the prompts being good ones. I may still use the suggestions even if they no longer count towards the challenge. But if I want to be able to claim to have successfully completed the challenge, I definitely need to do a Saturday and Sunday post. Saturday’s challenge, to too our own horn about some accomplishment we are proud of … in the form of a press release. Here goes …
man crushes his leg then climbs a mountain
Sept 14
Phoenix, AZ — Massachusetts born Steve Kramer successfully peaked Camelback mountain, and what’s more, made it back down. Though the hike is considered a moderate to advanced hike, this may not seem like much of an accomplishment. It has easily accessible trails, and many hike it on a daily basis. However this is the first successful hike Steve has accomplished since he crushed his right femur in a car accident 4 years ago. Once it was questionable if he would walk normally again (if at all). Just a few years later he was proudly taking in the great views from the top of Arizona’s famous peak.
Not everyone thought he would make it. Some never thought he would get off crutches or a cane. Some were not even sure why he was not in a wheelchair. But despite his own occasional doubts (and a couple of serious setbacks … like his leg re-breaking after several months of healing), he set his mind to once again climbing a mountain. To prove to himself, and maybe the world, that he was back.
Now that he has accomplished this goal, he plans on continuing such activities until he trusts his leg again. Among hopes to do many such similar day hikes, and other physically intensive activities, he has plans of becoming a Through Hiker on the Appalachian Trail in the future.
About the accident — Steve was a passenger in a T-top that had a one car accident. Due to several causes, the driver lost control of the car, sending it off a hill into the woods. The car rolled down the hill, flinging Steve out the roof in the process, and ultimately then landing on him, resulting in his right femur being broken in seven places. Two surgeries and a year and a half of therapy before the insurance called it quits found Steve still walking with a cane.He was determined that he get back to as close to full usage of his leg, culminating in this hike. For more details on the accident, go here.
Contact — If you would like to know more about Steve, his future plans, and how he feels about this accomplishment, contact him via his blog (he actually has six).