A few hiccups

In my recent relocation to  … more creative environs … I neglected to take into account a few potential difficulties. In much less flowery and simpler english, it seems moving my office to a bar has some drawbacks. Being the always helpful guy that I am, I figured I would give others who might want to make such a move a list of some of the downsides of working out of a bar so they can plan accordingly:

  1. It’s a bar. Need I say more? No. But I will anyway.
  2. Bars often have these working at them →
  3. Bars have food.
  4. Bars have music.
  5. Bars have people.
  6. People like to talk.
  7. Bars have booze.
  8. Booze makes people hungry and talkative.
  9. Booze and food (and sometimes talk) costs money.
  10. Typing requires manual dexterity.
  11. Booze and full stomaches don’t promote manual dexterity.

I am not at all saying that I regret the decision to move my ailing brain this way. I still get exercise out of it (when I don’t get rides). I don’t ALWAYS spend all the money I have (thus ensuring I will have no food to worry about on my upcoming hike simply because I can’t afford it). The mental stimulation of actual human interaction has actually improved my creativity, and I seem to actually produce SOMETHING (even if it is not quality something) when I am there. It certainly is more productive than lying in bed watching cartoons all day. But there are still a few wrinkles to iron out. Fortunately I never really let wrinkles bother me. I don’t even own an iron.

I hope I have helped any potential starving artists here. Gotta know what you might be in for! In the mean time I have to go for now. The bartender seems to want my attention!