Nothing to see here!

My sense of humor went on vacation without bothering to give me any notice, leaving me high and dry for blog posts again. We seriously have to have a discussion. It’s all well and good for my sense of humor to want to get away now and then, but the inconsiderate bugger did not even attempt to leave me a temp or something. We need to have us a good chat. Now my sense of humor, supposedly BACK from vacation, is too damn tired to help still. I can’t say I blame him. We all know a good vacation needs a few weeks vacation to recover from. But that still leaves me with a whole lot of nothing in life that jumps out at me and makes me say: Now THAT is funny!!

But I have a group of devoted fans with expectations (translation: I have delusions of people reading my blog and am somewhat bored), and I figured I should make an attempt at something. Here I am, trying my old standby that works on other blogs, and just rambling along in the hopes that something that might make a random person giggle for a sec might emerge.

Has it worked yet?


The closest I could come to an amusing anecdote was the recent tracked letter my mother sent via the post office (yep, people still do that). I thought it was amusing that the letter she sent to a town 30 minutes from us in Massachusetts made it promptly there the next day by way of New Hampshire. As far as I can tell it traveled 400 miles to go 25. Humorous but I just could not manage a whole post out of it this time.

Hmmm. Maybe if I repeatedly smack my forehead I will knock something loose. Be right back.


Yep. It worked. I now have a headache.

Ah well. Guess there is no laughter to be had today. But if you happen across this and wanna have some fun at a friend’s expense, tell them how hilarious my post was and send them this way for a read. Hey if I can’t be funny at least I can make a shameless bid for readers!