I did not order it well done!

I seem to have misplaced most of last week.

This is not all that uncommon for me. I often seem to misplace various time periods. I am not quite sure what happened to the 80’s for instance. I only mention misplacing last week because it seems to me I just wrote one of these posts. But I am doing my Idiot Bloggerly duty by keeping the devoted followers (all 12 of you) current on the status of my pursuit of the perfect manly build.  I would show you a picture of my progress but I don’t have the right lens to properly make me look good, so I will stick to words.

Last week I had a rough week. I am not sure if it was that I have been pushing too hard, or the lack of a good night’s sleep in a while. Or maybe it was the sudden shift from New England fall like weather to Texas summer with a blazing bonfire to take the remaining chill out. Possibly it was a combination of all of the above. But for whatever reason, it was all I could do to get convince my body to get out of bed, let alone do my exercising last week. On top of that I also had to actually work all weekend, which counts as more body abuse exercise.

fork in steakTo clarify, the phrase stick a fork in me because I am done was almost adequate last week.

That could be why I have blocked most of the week from my memory. But somehow I plugged through, and not only got all my exercise in … but actually added to the recent norm for self-torture, and in the process managed to lose another couple of pounds. YAY ME!. So my stats to date:

Miles walked: 2.693 (probably much more actually, but that was all I was able to track) bringing my total to 44.687.

Weight: 234, making a total of 11 lbs lost so far.

The theme of the week seemed to be overcoming limitations. The worst kind of limits are those that we impose on ourselves. It is often so easy to just call it quits when the going gets rough, especially if exhaustion or pain (or worse yet both) are involved. But it dawned on me that if I can push myself beyond my perceived limits when I am effectively in a very comfortable place, then it will be that much easier to do when I truly NEED to. I can’t set any precedents for myself to give up … no matter how much easier it may seem.

When I was younger, limits meant nothing. Out of bravado or simple foolhardiness, I would not only push well past my limits, but ignore that they even existed. As a got older, I gained more wisdom, not the least because my ignoring of limits in the past started catching up with me. But there becomes a time when we need to question if we have stepped too far back. Instead of pushing for our best effort, did we slide into a comfort zone that we are no longer willing to leave? That is one of the reasons I am going on this journey. To remember the value of pushing just a little harder; of stepping outside the comfort zone.

To me at least, that is where life really resides.

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