#atozchallenge: Advancing Again! A new beginning with A

I have to laugh at myself right now.

A few years back, when I first started blogging, it was right before a great community builder called the A to Z Challenge. The concept is to challenge our creativity, as well as help us build a blogging community. It was suggested I do it, and in a way it really launched me into the blogging world. Since then I have been doing the challenge every year.

This year, I was not sure I was going to. I have been going through a metamorphosis in recent months, and got so lost in my cocoon that I lost sight of what might emerge. I have been drifting in the dark, forgetting why I was there in the first place, and becoming so complacent that I lost my sense of potential and future.

So in an effort to once again take hold of my own destiny; to emerge from my cocoon instead of hiding in it; I made a decision. Today is April 1. Spring actually seems more than just a hint today. It is the first day of the Challenge.  And it is April Fool’s Day. Being my contrary self, I have to do everything backwards. So in celebration of the day of firsts, in honor of this day for fools, I decided to STOP being a fool. It is time to embrace life again; time to remember that possibility does not only exist, but constantly surrounds us. This year the challenge offers the idea of themes. My theme will be what I was always supposed to be blogging about:


I have three blogs (technically four, but the fourth serves a different purpose) so I might spread my contributions over these blogs. Since this is the blog I signed up with, I will at least have a reference here to any appropriate posts. For those who might be curious, my other blogs:

If you are wondering why I started this piece as I did, well I literally just signed up from the A to Z challenge (with only hours left to sign up) and sat down with a will to start writing and …

… drew a complete blank. But what better way for a fresh start than a bit of laughter? Even if it is at myself.