My Adventurous Life

It is uncanny how much of life slips by when one does nothing but sleep and play video games. It is even more uncanny when it gets hard to distinguish between the video games and dreams! But since my last attempt at posting I have basically been sleeping and playing games, so any noteworthy tales that have been happening around me … well haven’t been noted. When all else fails, I guess I must laugh at myself. Feel free to join in!

My preferred type of games are RPG’s. For the non-initiate, that is Role Playing Games. Not what some consider Role Playing Games (like the Sims type games) but the kind that involves adventure, an actual story line, and general good versus evil juiciness. Nothing like a good bit o’ saving (or destroying) the world to improve ones spirits. The sad thing is these virtual lives are so much more interesting than my own, I end up being the classical example of computer nerd. Come to think of it I fit the model exactly. Forty something, living in my mom’s attic, no job, generally unkempt, and fairly technically adept.

Hmmmm, that DOES explain a lot.


It HAS to be funny watching me play some of these games though. It is bad enough arguing with a computer when it gets feisty as I do minor things like work on my book. My computer and I are often not on speaking terms. If one then adds the devious imps that possess a computer when one installs any RPG game worth playing and the computers become downright evil. I swear I hear a mechanical bit o’ evil laughter every time the Big Bad suddenly turns the tables on me (the hero) and crushes me with a single blow even though I was kicking his electronic butt. I get so annoyed at these games sometimes I need to put myself in a time out.

I am not quite sure where I was actually going with this post. But I have been away from my game for long enough. Catch you all again in a few weeks!