It’s that time again! Time to exercise the noggin in a creative way. Yes, it is time for the 100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups! Of course this week only three parts of the title hold true. For today we are allowed 158 words, and there has always been doubt about labeling me grown up. But I digress. The challenge: A dialogue involving the phrase … ‘Are you sure it should be that colour {or as we yanks spell it color}‘…
The phrase brought back a memory that I already used in the first challenge I ever did (the April 2011 A – Z Blogging Challenge), so if you want all the sordid details click here.
OUCH! (based on a true story)
We both looked down at the bulbous mass.
“What do you think doc?” I squealed.
“Hmmm,” he said prodding. I winced.
“You say a football did this?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Yep. It was a perfect pass too!” I said sheepishly.
“Does it hurt when I do this?” he said, squeezing.
“I’ll take that as a yes. I don’t think it is anything you really have to worry about!” he said doubtfully.
“But doc, are you sure it should be that color?”
“I am pretty sure that it should in fact NOT be that color!” he said over a laugh, “but it is not a surprise considering what happened. Just ice it and everything should be ok in a few days. In the mean time take it easy!”
“If you say so doc!”