Our very own guru!

YodaNow that we have pushed our start date forward, we can no longer laze along in our preparations. We need some quick training in the force, so sent out the troops in search of the Yoda of hiking. The troops actually happened to be FB messages, and Yoda turned out to practically be in my back yard (digitally speaking) so we … well … seriously lucked out. Yoda is very excited to help us, and even has a craving to join us. That would just be cool! But either way, he has already regaled us with wisdom galore, and has much more to offer.

A few of the helpful hints we have already received:

  • hairy feet does not qualify as good hiking boots.
  • bringing a generator along is not considered good weight management.
  • a king size bed and mattress is not really wise either.
  • there will be no drive through windows to be found along the trail.
  • delivery is possible, but don’t expect to have it in less than thirty minutes.
  • you better really know your mushrooms.
  • the Downtown Chicago on the map is just mapmaker’s code. Ignore it.

I personally think that our chances of a smooth hike are definitely growing with tips like this. Our Yoda will definitely get many mentions in the book, and will be at the very least a second-rate actor in the movie.

Seriously though, this type of undertaking is better for having others to guide us. I am in awe of those who were the first to attempt trips like this. Especially those before there were formal trails and stopover locations. Even an experienced hiker might miss small but important details when preparing for a trip like this, so Mark and I are very happy to have a pro on our side. He has already given us very useful information as to what equipment we will need, and some tips about things we never even really though about. And I kind of just started asking. Just having someone like this guide us makes me all the more sure that not only will we succeed at this, but do it WELL.

By the way, if anyone has used hiking equipment that their agèd body can no longer handle, or maybe their passage into responsible adulthood has made obsolete, but might help Two Hiking Idiots survive another day … we do accept donations! Ha Ha