Many of us who seek to change the course of the future will throw around phrases such as “children are the future”. And most will agree to this concept on some level. Yet it recently dawned on me that as much as many of us hold value in this idea, few of us actually PRACTICE the concept. Ideologies that are not actually LIVED are doomed to failure. Words can only go so far … that is why sometimes change seems to take so long. We are so busy TALKING about it that we never actually manage to DO it.
Children are born with out prejudices. They are born with open minds. They know nothing of hatred and the fear of ideas. They start seeking to fulfill basic needs … hunger, sleep, comfort. As they get more accustomed to the world, the needs expand. They begin to seek experience … to learn about the world around them. Yet still they will have no concept of hatred. And what fear they will experience will be the visceral kind. Something shocks them. Something hurts them. But they will not fear something simply because it is different, for EVERYTHING is different to them. They start really knowing nothing of emotions at all, their reactions are basic … primal. They are clean and fresh and … Peace Incarnate.
And then those with “experience” get involved.
A child only hates that which they are taught to hate. A child only fears what they are taught to fear. A child knows nothing of politics, religion, economics, race, sexuality, geography, or anything else of an ever-growing list of things that divide us as humans. They will know anger, frustration, and maybe even selfishness, but those will only become their defining characteristics again based on how they are taught. Children ARE peace … until we chase the peace out of them. Many call children our future, but treat them as little versions of themselves. The past focused will do their best to train their children to look backwards, which is a very tricky way to move forward. Maybe, just maybe, if we stopped trying to shape our children like clay, and instead let them flourish as the living breathing NEW creatures they are, we would actually make forward progress again. The Peace Child is not made by molding them into a mini-me. How does training a child into behaving in ways that have PROVEN to be the antithesis of peace give promise of a different future?
I think we have it backwards. We are so intent on creating children as visions of what WE want that we neglect to recognize how much they can teach US. We unwisely assume that naiveté and innocence are undesirable traits, and do our best to erase it from our children, and call this becoming an adult. Yet ironically, it seems to me that young children who have not had the benefit of being trained in violence, hatred and fear tend to work their problems out when there is a disagreement among them … at least if the adults who “know better” don’t get involved. I think we have this whole “teaching” thing completely backwards.
We really do NOT have to look far to learn how to play well together again. Just watch our children, and recognize that they ARE the future, unless WE change them into the past. All children are born to peace. It is so-called “growing up” that hides the Peace Child within us all. Want to find the path to peace? Try looking deep with in, to the child that was. The answer is already there … if we only remember how to find it again. We must learn how to embrace our inner Peace Child once again.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/12″][/vc_column][/vc_row]
As a former teacher, I agree with the notion of letting children teach us -what they have to offer is pure. We also need to recognize and celebrate the unique-ness of children throughout our culture. Children assimilate and change to “fit-in”, so they don’t get picked on or made fun of. This is what needs to be changed in our culture -different is beautiful. We must always continue to encourage and support “peace children”. Great post!
To me that is a sign of the best of teachers … the ones who recognize that they have as much to learn as to teach. Thanks for the kind words, and I am glad you enjoyed the post 🙂
I love this. Yes, the children are our future, until we make them into our past hurts. Brilliant observation and guidance. Thank you so much for this hopeful post for peace. {{{Hugs]}} Kozo
Thank YOU for the inspiration and the kind words!!