Why am I bringing this up? Part of what makes me ME is that I wish to do nothing other than help improve the world around me. And the way I most successfully do that is by either helping OTHERS obtain their dreams, or by getting good projects started, which others eventually take over and make into something worthwhile. I am an idea mind, but I am not very detail oriented. That is really what PAX Nation is intended to be. A forum; a think tank in which those with unconventional ideas can gather together and maybe find actual SOLUTIONS for many of the world’s problems … partially by stepping OUTSIDE of previously designated boundaries. I never expected it to happen overnight. And I KNOW I am NOT the person to do such great deeds, even if I might be a good spark to ignite others.
It has become more and more apparent to me that IF this idea has merit … it is not the time for it yet. Right now we are again fighting for basic net neutrality, which is a NECESSITY for PAX Nation to have ANY hope of growth. But beyond that, I have not really managed to get much more than a passing interest in the project over the course of months. I have opened it up to allow any to contribute ideas that wish to; I have tried to make it into a rudimentary social site … both with little success. It is my failing of course, because I have not really succeeded in obtaining even minimal help on the project. Most of the “contributions” have been simply spammers and scammer who love to do nothing other than use openness as a source to inundate the public with more garbage in the pursuit of profit. Fortunately I got wise to this early on and changed things so that they can’t automatically post without approval (unless given that permission.)
None of this really matters though. I am not writing this as a bid for attention or another plea. I just wanted to let any who actually find some value know that the site will basically be on hiatus while I am involved with the hike. I will be leaving at the end of March, and it will take approximately 6 months. Which basically means this project will go on the shelf for most of that time. I might occasionally step in, and I will probably post a few more times before I leave. But other than that, this idea is getting top shelved for a while. Unless anyone thinks it is worth keeping it alive and wants to take it on some management of the project (if so, feel free to contact me). I will mostly just be blogging on the Hiking Blog, so all of the other blogs will pretty much be on hold as well. If anyone has any interest in following my adventure (or even participating on any level), I welcome them. I will have this blog automatically follow that one, or people can visit the other blog directly.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/12″][/vc_column][/vc_row]