Journey in 2.8
All images taken with a Canon EF-S 60mm Macro lens set at f2.8. I let the camera adjust speed accordingly (in most cases).
All images taken with a Canon EF-S 60mm Macro lens set at f2.8. I let the camera adjust speed accordingly (in most cases).
The primary reason I took up this challenge this year was to get myself back in touch with my inner spirit. I needed to remind myself that no matter how dark things might appear … as long as there are those who continue to create, the darkness will never be complete. I also needed to […]
Whether you believe in Climate Change or not (personally I have no doubt of its reality), it is pretty clear to anyone paying attention that recent weather patterns are definitely NOT par for the course. The seasons of late seem much less well-defined. I grew up in New England, which has always had the reputation […]
My parents have always had a special place for nature in their hearts. Wherever they have lived in the past there was sure to be a well-kept garden, as well as many an indoor plant. So it is no surprise that when my dad passed a few years ago, my mom planted a tree to […]
Our house is part of a cluster housing condo community. Unlike the other houses we are set back a little (as can be seen in the many pictures I take around the house). That, combined with the constant supply of food provided by the house’s nature loving occupants, ensures we have quite a bit of […]
Today is Earth Day 2017. It is a grey listless day … somehow seeming appropriate considering the growing danger to the earth that is humankind. We set aside ONE day out of 365 to honor the planet that shelters us; the planet that nourishes us; the planet that we are a part of, as if […]
My mother has always had a green thumb. Two really. Year round she has plants that she cares for, but spring has a special place in her heart. For as long as I can remember she has tended a garden. As she approaches the autumn of HER life, she tends to let the gardens shape […]
The meanies who control this property say I have to stay on a chain. Even with such nice running weather. It’s so unfair!