Taochild’s “progress” … week #3

Being the make it up as I go along type, my “routine ” is very … let’s call it flexible. By someone who actually has an organized life’s standards, my life would appear to be a relaxed form of chaos. That said, my so called “progress” this week seems to have progressed in the wrong direction … depending on your point of view. Fortunately MY point of view is always forward, never straight  so a winding path that sometimes doubles back is right on target! I do believe my scale has an attitude problem though. I am not sure what it has against me, but we had words this morning and I can not vouch for the veracity of what it reported. Hopefully we will work out our difficulties by next week!

My mileage is still low right now because at the moment I am focusing on other forms of exercise. So my stats so far:

Starting weight: 245 lbs

Goal: @ 200 lbs at the beginning of the hike


Week 1:

0 miles walked.

Weight: 242 (- 3 lbs total)


Week 2:

8.969 miles walked

Weight: 239 (-6 lbs total)


Week 3:

4.548 miles walked

Weight: 239 (-6 lbs total)


Highlight – 55 minute full body therapeutic massage. Lowlight –

It sure did taste like a Fenway Sausage with the works though. Mmmmmm.

Gotta get my myself into more of a pattern methinks. Gonna hurt, but I will do my best 🙂