To eat or not to eat? That is the question.

Because I have not really had all my supplies in one place at one time yet, I have not quite figured out exactly HOW I will be packing my pack. I got the food I ordered today, which is about a month’s worth if I actually listen to their portion sizes … probably half of that if I listen to my stomach. And it is taking up quite a bit of space, forcing another batch of pack remodeling.


All part of the fun really.

I still need to get some external strapping, since the food is forcing even more dangling things. I am starting to wonder if this eating thing is really worth the space it takes up. How am I gonna bring all my cool toys if all that unnecessary food gets in the way? Besides there are plenty of leaves and branches to gnaw on along the trail. Maytag has some similar packing dilemmas … after a test run WITHOUT a tent, his equipment survived a rainy night with everything nice and dry, so he is now debating if he even wants to bring a tent.

I planned a snow test run the other day. It was the perfect night for a test (some sort of precipitation, and snow on the ground), and I was all set to snuggle up in my tent and see how I survived the night. I quickly was reminded of exactly how NOT to set up a tent in the snow. My attempts of getting a little backyard camp set up were no doubt rather amusing  … for anyone crazy enough to stand out there and watch me. Fortunately, my masterful bit of fumbling has me pretty convinced that everything will work fine … and barring full plunge into a pond … should keep nice and dry.

I also ordered a backup pair of glasses, presuming I might want to be sure to actually see where I am going being a visually oriented kind of guy. Of course I forgot to take into account the wonders of health insurance bureaucracies. I might not actually GET them before I leave. Not that I expect to break my glasses … but ya never know. I also got the OK from my cardiologist … seems the battery is working up to par. Of course the personal pharmacy I need to take along is also being fouled by the bureaucratic demons, but we wouldn’t want things to be TOO easy would we?

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