A cool family

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I am the need of some pure silly creation today. I have not yet had a chance to do this week’s 100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups yet, so figured maybe the prompt this week would inspire the silly. It did not disa … point! The prompt:

…the points were sharp…

I have to admit it took me a bit to come up with my trademark twist of meaning, but I think I managed in a suitably silly way.  Here is my creation:


Due to my crazy schedule, I don’t often get a chance to meet my neighbors. However there was a family that moved in that managed to pop my social bubble a bit. They were the kind of people who made themselves known. They would get your notice, and then kind of stick with you. I have to admit I liked them a lot. They were all smart buggers too. The always managed to have you thinking, “I get it now!” They were my kind of people. Yep, the Points were sharp folk. We could use more families like them around here! I miss them!
