One of the dangers of blogging (to me myself anyway) … especially if one’s blogs are descriptions of personal journeys, is that the author risks stepping into self-absorption. While part of the reason for these blogs IS an exploration of self, they are also supposed to be a testament to life in all its glory (and yes, occasionally sorrow). Wether through photos, creative writing, ranting or simple descriptive writing, the intent is to both inspire thought and share the simple complexity that is life. I (myself … me) am by no means unique in my vision, but I myself am me and someone else is someone else, and by sharing my view of myself and the world, someone else gets a different perspective. I (me and myself agree) maintain shifting perspectives is the best way to truly appreciate all that the world has to offer.
So in honor of the letter “I” in the A to Z challenge, I (I mean me) myself am posting three posts, as well as gratuitously plugging one of my favorite bloggers, known to the masses as the Idiot. I (myself and me also) have sadly neglected his blog (as well as all my other favorites) recently as self-absorption took over. Since he is the Idiot, he gets to trump all the other bloggers who equally deserve accolades simply for beginning with the letter “I”.
I posted “I” posts:
And do visit the Idiot. Well worth the trip (though he is already world-renowned and doesn’t really need any help from my … compared to him .. tiny following haha).