Journey in 2.8
All images taken with a Canon EF-S 60mm Macro lens set at f2.8. I let the camera adjust speed accordingly (in most cases).
All images taken with a Canon EF-S 60mm Macro lens set at f2.8. I let the camera adjust speed accordingly (in most cases).
As I have mentioned before, I rarely do much editing of my photos beyond some cropping and maybe a bit of color correction. Sometimes, if I feel inspired creatively, I might try to more aggressively use editing software. And there are certain situation that require some editing if I want to display what I am […]
Our house is part of a cluster housing condo community. Unlike the other houses we are set back a little (as can be seen in the many pictures I take around the house). That, combined with the constant supply of food provided by the house’s nature loving occupants, ensures we have quite a bit of […]
We just put out a new Hummingbird feeder (the old one leaked). It is a pretty little feeder, and the way the light plays on it and it’s contents has already intrigued me enough that I plan on getting out the trusty macro lens and aiming the camera at it for a bit. That is […]
I no longer celebrate many holidays, because I think they have all been ruined by over commercialization. That said, I still am moved to some more traditional modes of celebrating. For instance, on Halloween, I will occasionally have the urge to take a knife to a pumpkin. This was my first real attempt at my […]
I usually don’t do much editing of my photos, beyond some cropping and white balance adjustment. But sometimes I get the urge to play with some photos. Moon shots are one area I often take liberties with, partially because I have a long way to go to mastering the art of TAKING such photos, partially […]