About time we had a rainbow!
With the crazy weather lately, fluctuating between unexpected and often violent thunderstorms and hot, hot , hot cloudless skies, it is a wonder we haven’t had more rainbows. The timing just has not been quite right. Today nature got it right, and I happened to be get a few shots before it disappeared. Phones these […]
Changing with the world
It has been over a year since my last post here (and much longer on my many other sites). Looking back at some of these last posts, they all say the same thing: “I haven’t posted in a while, here’s my excuse, I plan on doing more … blah blah blah …” The simple truth […]
Freeze …
Whatever one’s feelings about winter, one thing that always holds true is that it provides great opportunity for unique and beautiful photos. For several reasons I have not been all that active with my camera (or the blog) again lately, but a recent storm brought out the “I have to try to get that with […]
Time for some color!
When grayness sets in, seek out the color in the world. Shades of gray only make the color stand out more. And there is ALWAYS color to be found!
Some days you just need a rainbow …
And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow. Gilbert K. Chesterton