People have been banging on my door. They have been hanging outside with cameras flashing every time someone appears at the window. The phone is ringing off the hook. Everyone wants an update on my plans. My public WANTS to know!

And then I woke up. But just in case one or two people ARE interested, it seems time to catch folk up again. After all it is just around the corner now:

[ujicountdown id=”IDIOTS AWAY!” expire=”2014/03/27 07:00″ hide = “true”]

Maytag has everything he needs and is pretty much ready to go. I have most of what I need, still sorting out the food a bit, but I will be well ready when the time comes. There are some technical difficulties with my MacGyvering a real time photo server, but I will continue to play with the duck tape until it works. I have just finished booking my flight down south, set to arrive in on March 24 at Maytag’s training camp. That way I have time to convince his family that I am not a crazy axe murderer just waiting to take him into the woods and chop him into iddy biddy bits. Unfortunately MY family has to go on FAITH that he won’t do the same to me.

We are spending our last day in civilization in luxury, to make sure we know what we are missing:

And then we head for the mountains to become Mountain Men Extaordinaire.

Grizzly Adams


Time for a bit of advertising. Ignore if you are tired of my begging:

I still encourage folk to pledge to charity based on our activity. A bit of mutual inspiration. We will be at it for months, so plenty of time and options. I also am keeping the Go Fund Me page open for the whole trip, just to ensure we don’t run into any funding issues.