Tag: Voluntary Simplicity

I don't want to be WOWed.

When exactly did we start believing that bigger and fancier is always better? I had a little excursion to the mall today with my mother. That is always a traumatic experience for me (I am just not that into consumerism), but we planned on ending with a visit to The Cheesecake Factory, which sounded like it would make any general annoyance from […]

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My love hate relationship with sleep

I am not one for astrology. I believe in the interconnectedness of all things, but I don’t believe anyone can predict anything from the positions of stars in the sky. Especially anything about human nature. On the other hand, I am completely dichotomous by nature. Which is ironic since the astrologers label me Gemini. What does this have to do with my title? […]

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Lately understanding has been eluding me. A question has been lingering: “Why?” Why does effort frequently get little reward, while whim and seeming luck reaps major benefits? Why does it often seem that good struggles when evil flourishes? Why is pain more notable than pleasure? So of course I went on a journey to find the answer. I […]

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Really don't know what to call this!

”The problem with quotes from the internet is that you can never quite be sure they are genuine’” – Abraham Lincoln” Once upon a time, people believed anything they were told. Oh wait! They still do! After all everyone knows that if it is online it must be true! Especially if thousands of other folk read it and believe it. No […]

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