
I found a problem that couldn’t seem to be solved.
It was time. Time, for others to be involved.

YangI headed to the West, and found a new friend.
“Do you, sir, have a hand to lend?”
He smiled a smile and laughed a laugh.
“What kind of problem do you have?”

We set to work with a firm will, yet still could not seem to cure the ill.

yinI went to the East, and sought out another.
“Hey, could you help me out brother?”
He laughed a laugh and smiled a smile.
“I will gladly go the extra mile!”

We tried and tried only to find, that a solution was still out of sight, out of mind.

A little discouraged, I sat and thoroughly pondered.
Suddenly into my mind an idea wandered.
I called to my friends, from East and from West.
“Maybe TOGETHER, we can find what is best?”
West wasn’t sure. Neither was East.
With a sigh they said, “We can try at least!”
We each opened our heart and also our mind.
Together we set out, a solution to find.

Suddenly a chime was heard, as if a bell rang.
It really seemed that the whole world sang.
A shout was heard to the depths of the soul:

“Only TOGETHER can we make the world whole!”
