Tag: words

#atozchallenge: Xylocarpic splendor

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]How do words come into being? How did a rock become described by the sound “rawk”?  Why is wind not wssshhhhhh? Why do words for mother sound similar in many different languages ? Why does a dog say “woof” (actually dogs, and chickens and cows, make different sounds in different parts of the world. Just […]

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#atozchallenge: Unbelievable, vastness, and words (Yep. I cheated.)

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I have seen many wonders in my life. I have imagined many more. Every day I wake up to wonder … the wonder of life itself. When I sleep, my mind wanders in worlds unimaginable, yet they made it into my mind. Humanity is one of the peaks of that wonder. Beyond the incredible combination of […]

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#atozchallenge: A tale of time (I think)

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The odd thing about beginnings is that they are usually the ending of something else. So who knows where this tale truly begins? But for the sake of reference, we will refer to The Beginning as the beginning. And so it begins. The first man to begin at said beginning was known as The First, […]

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