Category: Ninja Cats
From Ninja Cat site
From Ninja Cat site
a.k.a The Dystopic Revolution “Settle down people! I know this is exciting, but we need to get started. I am glad so many PEOPLE have joined us to hear the plan for our new great Godly nation. So let us begin! “ The tumultuous crowd settled a bit, consolidating there excited focus on The Speaker […]
I used to be a funny person. Maybe I just used to have a sense of humor. Of course both sentences are a matter of perception, but I THINK others agreed with me (at least sometimes). However in the last few years, it has become apparent that humanity has gone off the deep end. To […]
I am no Adonis. Even at my fittest, my six-pack was more like a half keg, but it did not keep me from being active, strong, and even fairly athletic. I won’t say I NEVER got sick, but more often than not any ailments I suffered from were self-induced, and those few that were brought […]
Research says that 98% of people are incapable of thinking for themselves. A highly scientific study proves that most humans are actually naïve sheep. It’s true because I used the word scientific and included a cool looking chart with statistics that mean absolutely nothing because they have no context. The fact that I also said […]
It seems the more I want to explore the world on foot, the more I find myself sitting in front of a computer screen. Or maybe I want to explore more on foot precisely BECAUSE I am always in front of a computer screen. Some day this blog about my worldly walkabout will once again […]
My social life is pretty much non-existent. It’s not so much that I am anti-social … rather I no longer have the patience to deal with the average social entity. I hide in my cave, my social activity basically limited to exchanging benign comments about the weather to anyone I happen to encounter while walking […]
As we traverse this crazy adventure some affectionately (or drearily maybe, depending on your point of view) called LIFE, we constantly encounter challenges of varying difficulties. These will range from “did something just happen” to “if their IS a god, please call ALL of your heavenly heroes back from leave cuz I need some serious smiting […]
As some may have guessed, I am not big on rules. To me, rules, for the most part, are simply one being trying to control another being for their own purposes. Don’t get me wrong, SOME structure is necessary, but even then the rules need a certain level of flexibility to do their job right. This may […]
I have an Adonis-like physique. In the interest of modesty, and to keep groupies from invading my peaceful neighborhood (translation … wake the dead), I cleverly mask said physique with a mass of flesh that is the envy of even the fittest of pears. How do I maintain my glorious figure? First there is my […]
As I continue to hide from all things social, it becomes more and more difficult to collect humorous anecdotes. Add to that the basic fact that humanity, especially that particular section of humanity that likes to call itself American has gone so far off the plot that NOT laughing at them may be a considered […]